. : Bayerischer Wald: background knowledge
Facts about the National Park Bayerischer Wald
History- Forrest zone becomes National Park.
Between the Free State of Bavaria and the Czech Republic is a big Forrest zone. On the German side it's called The Bayerischer Wald but on the Czech side it's called Sumava. In the years 1938 - 1942 a large national park was planned to cover over 200.000 ha. But these plans were ruined by the second world war. In 1969 the Bavarian Parliament agreed to set up a national park across an area of 13.000 ha between the Rachel and Lusen mountains. The park was opened on 7th October 1970. Since then the National Park has been developing, the traditional uses of commercial forestry and haunting has been gradually reduced and information centers has been built and walking paths made to enable tourists to get around the Forrest. UNESCO declared the Bavarian Forest a Biosphere Reserve in year 1981 and five years later the National Park obtained the European Diploma Category A. In 1997 the Bevarian Forrest National Park was extended to 24.250 ha and that is the size of the park to day. In 1991 the Sumava National Park was designated across an area of 68.000 ha and, together with the surrounding Protected Landscape Area, was recognized by UNESCO as a Biosphere Reserve with a total area of 178.000 ha. Together The Bevarian Forrest and the Sumava National Park represent central Europe's largest protected closed woodland area.
Location: 48°55'N; 13°23'E, brief: In south-east Germany.
Size: 24.250 ha
Major habitats and land cover types: Fagetum communities with common beech (Fagus sylvatica),(Abies alba), Norway spruce (Picea abies), sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus), ash (Fraxinus excelsior) etc.; spruce communities on highlands (over 1,150m) dominated by Picea abies, rowan (Sorbus aucuparia), silver birch (Betula verrucosa and Betula carpathica) etc.; raised bogs with dwarf pine, dwarf shrubs and Sphagnum moss.
Biodiversity: Birds, such as: ring ouzel, black stork, seven spices of woodpecker and few kinds of owls, and mammals such as: squirrels, deer, wolfs and lynx.
Socio-economic: Tourism
About the park
The National park is very tourist and family friendly. In Hans-Eisenman-Haus can man find
information, maps and other useful things about the park. In Hans-Eisenman-Haus visitors are shown slideshow and films, and there they can take a "indoor look" at the park and also buy some souvenirs.
Around Hans-Eisenman-Haus is a special outdoor display of plants and rocks. Short and easy trips help visitors to learn about the Park's plants, rocks, and how the mountains where formed.
The National Park has special wild animals zone where more than 30 types of native mountain forest animals and birds can be observed in large enclosures and aviaries.
There are over 300 km of well managed and waymarked footpaths, several paths are suitable for pushchairs and wheelchairs and in the winter the snow is cleared from the paths.
People working in The National Park is very friendly and always ready to inform visitors.
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